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We place great importance on our founding values, which include the environment, innovation and entrepreneurship.
These values underpin the Group's day-to-day commitments.
That's why we are committed to a number of initiatives.

Our quality systems

The Quali'Coisnon approach

Based on the AFNOR NF V30-001 standard, Quali’Coisnon aims to commit its producers to a sustainable agriculture system. This system is one of the priorities of consumers, who are aware of the impact of their consumption habits on the environment. It is based on 5 pillars:
  1. Strict respect for good agricultural and environmental practices, with all operations recorded from sowing to harvesting.
  2. Full traceability from sowing to delivery to mills. This traceability system is audited by an independent organization.
  3. A local supply chain enhanced by the purchase of cereals in an area close to farms.
  4. A commitment to post-harvest grain preservation without treatment, with farmers committed to the approach.
  5. Quality products supplied to milling customers: all the above requirements lead to quality products, traced and controlled throughout the production chain.

The organic farming sector

Since 2020, we have been collecting organically grown cereals. Milling wheat and improver wheat account for 80% of the cereals collected.

The aim is to promote and guarantee the organic quality and origin of products at all stages of marketing. It testifies to compliance with European regulations 848/2018 and national specifications that summarize the requirements to be met.

To market products from organic farming, they must be inspected by an independent, recognized certification body.

Certifications for the potato business


For the potato business at the Le Puiset site. IFS (Internation Featured Standards) is an auditing standard set up by supermarkets to enable them to delegate their supplier audits to third-party organizations. This certification ensures and promotes a culture of product quality and safety, to meet the requirements of EU hygiene regulations.


The assurance of safe, sustainable agriculture. GLOBALG.A.P. certification is considered highly reliable when it comes to food safety and sustainable development on the farm. By complying with GLOBALG.A.P. standards, we can sell our products both locally and worldwide.


A voluntary module, complementary to GOBALG.A.P., to assess the company’s social practices.

Certifications for the grain business


For the cereal business, the aim is to ensure best practices in the collection, storage, marketing and transport of cereals, oilseeds and protein crops.

Rapeseed certification


The purpose of this certification is to verify the sustainability criteria set out in European Directive 2018/2001, known as “RED II”. This approach enables us to sell rapeseed as “Sustainable Rapeseed” to biofuel manufacturers.